Not sure what to ask? Review our Frequently Asked Questions below to get answers to the questions that we get asked the most!
Schedule of Classes and Academic Planning
A unit/hour is the amount of college credit you will receive for a course based on the number of hours the course meets weekly. For example, a three-unit class will meet three hours per week. Some classes meet more hours than others and may be worth additional units. Keep in mind that a class that is worth more units typically requires more work.
You only need to have one unit for each Fall and Spring semester to be a student at PCC, and you don't need to take units for Summer and Winter sessions to be considered a student. Financial aid requires that you are taking 12 units to be eligible for full financial aid (also depends on other factors). International Students are also required to take 12 units for each Fall and Spring semester. We recommend that you take 12-14.2 units each semester, if you work 20 hours or less per week. The more hours you work, the fewer units you should take.
You can take a maximum of 20 units in the Fall and Spring semesters, and a maximum of 12 units during the Winter and Summer intersessions. Although these are the maximum units, we recommend that you take 12-14.3 units each semester if you are working 20 hours or less per week. If you are on academic or progress warning (formerly probation), the maximum number of units you can take each semester is 12.3. Our intersessions are more intense because they are only 6-8 weeks long per session . In order to be successful, we recommend that you only take one class (3-5 units) per intersession.
You don't need to declare a major during your first semester at PCC, but you will need to declare a major before you complete 30 units. For guidance in choosing your major/career, you can visit the Career Center or enroll in our Career Planning class (Counseling 17).
You can change your major when meeting with a counselor. You may also request to change your major by submitting an online counseling inquiry.
“Permission” and “Restricted” classes are reserved for special programs. You won't be able to register for these particular CRNs, unless you are in the program associated with the CRN. For more information, click on the CRN link in the online schedule of classes and read the Section Information Text note.
This means that an instructor has not yet been designated to teach the class. You can contact the corresponding division to see if any instructors have been assigned.
For more information on viewing go to "How to View Your Comprehensive Student Educational Plan in LancerPoint."
Academic Warning (formerly probation) and Repeating Classes
First Time Failing a Class
You can repeat a class at PCC to count the higher grade for a maximum of 3 attempts (including W's). Or, you can repeat the equivalent course at another college and request to count the higher grade. To request to count the higher grade from another college, please visit the Admissions and Records website for the petition procedures.
You don't need to submit a petition if you repeated the course at PCC. Your original F/D grade will still be visible on your PCC transcript, but it won't be calculated into your GPA. Most universities will honor this policy, but the only university that we are aware of that does not is USC. They will average the grades no matter how it appears on the PCC transcript.
Failing a Class Three Times
If you have failed a class 3 times, you can petition to take the class for a fourth time, but your chances for approval are low. If you formerly received 3 D/F grades for the same class, it will be best for you to repeat at another college to petition to count the higher grade. If you repeat at PCC through a petition approval, we can only adjust 2 grades. If you still wish to petition, please follow the instructions outlined for Petition a Special Circumstance.
If you do not need to repeat a course because the class(es) are not needed for your current goal, this is a good option for you.
Your original F/D grade will still be visible on your PCC transcript, but it won't be calculated into your GPA. Most universities will honor this policy, but the only university that we are aware of that does not is USC. They will average the grades no matter how it appears on the PCC transcript.
Read more about our academic renewal policy by checking out the academic renewal petition.
If you qualify or have more questions about the academic renewal policy, submit your completed petition or questions to Online Counseling.
Academic Warning is when your overall PCC grade point average falls below a 2.0. Once you are on Academic Warning, you will continue to be on Warning until you raise your cumulative grade point average to a 2.0 or better. To avoid Academic Warning, avoid getting D's and F's in your classes. If you must drop a class, drop them early to avoid receiving an F in the class. If you are already on Academic Warning, the quickest way to return to good standing is to repeat those courses in which you received D's or F's.
Warning may lead to serious consequences including dismissal, if improvement is not shown. Also, while on Academic Warning, you will be limited to taking a maximum of 12.3 units each Fall and Spring semester.
You can discuss other strategies to avoid or getting off of Academic Warning with a counselor.
For more information about Warning, go to Help with Academic Warning.
Grades and Transcripts
Receiving a letter grade means you will be given a grade of A/B/C/D/F and it will calculate into your GPA. If you elect a class to be P/NP that means if you receive an A/B/C grade, you will receive a Pass (P) and if you get a D/F grade, you will receive a No Pass (NP). P/NP grading has no GPA. If you get a P, you will be able to move on to the next level if it is a sequential class. If you would like to elect a class as P/NP grading, you may do so through the Admission office in L building.
Learn More About P/NP and How to Request P/NP for Your Class
An "I" is given by an instructor in cases where a student is doing passing work at a C or higher level in the class, but for reasons beyond the student's control, is unable to complete the requirements of the course. You must contact your instructor before the end of the semester to make arrangements for completing the required assignments/tests.
When a grade of “I” is given, a “Contract for the Assignment of an Incomplete Grade” must be completed and signed by you and your instructor. This contract lists specific conditions for removal of the “I”, and the default grade to be recorded if the conditions are not met within one year from the end of the semester in which the “I” was assigned. You must complete the remaining course assignments/tests within one year, or the default grade will be recorded on your transcript. You may not re-enroll in the class as a way to make up an “I” except in exceptional circumstances, such as a lab class. After you make up the required work, the grade earned will be entered on your transcript. “I” grades are not used in computing your GPA unless you file for graduation, at which point it will be calculated as an F.
The difference between an F grade and “I” notation:
An F is permanent on your transcript, and you must register and pay again to retake the entire class. An “I” can be changed to a grade when you complete the requirements of your contract, and you do not need to register or pay again for classes. Also, you only need to complete the work you are missing.
Getting a W in general is preferred because it does not explain why you did not complete the class and because it does not factor into your GPA. However, a D/F grade shows that you were not a good student in the class and will negatively impact your transcript. W's have less of an impact on your record if there are only a few, but if you have many W's, then universities may question if you are a consistent student or if you always drop classes. The only university that has a specific W limit is USC (max 2 W's). For more information on this topic, you can talk to a counselor. Also, because W's may impact your financial aid, contact the Financial Aid office for more information.
Never assume that you will be automatically dropped from a class. If you want to drop a class, please drop the class in LancerPoint. Be sure to drop your classes by the drop deadlines.
Keep in mind that each CRN has its own drop deadline. To find out the drop deadline for a specific CRN, refer to the online schedule of classes and click on your CRN. This will open a new window showing the deadlines of the CRN.
If you pass a class with a grade of C or better, you may not retake the class at PCC. Universities usually will only count the first passing grade, so even if you repeat the class at another college, universities will take the first passing grade. You can only retake classes that are graded with a W, F, D, or NP. If you would like to improve your GPA, the only option is to continue to take classes and get A's.
Here are some exceptions:
- Some Nursing programs allow you to repeat classes for a higher grade. PCC's nursing program lets students repeat C's for their sciences at another college and they will count the higher grade.
- Some programs allow for repeats if there is a recency requirement. For example, some graduate programs have requirements that must be completed within 5 yrs. If the class was not taken within 5 years, students will be allowed to repeat. Please check with your interested graduate school to find out their policy.
If you need to repeat a C or better graded class, you may submit a Special Circumstance Student Petition. Keep in mind that chances for approval are low. Your other option is to retake the course at another local community college.
You can access your registration date and time online through LancerPoint:
- Click on hamburger menu > Discover > find "My Registration Appointment" > Confirm term > Submit
Once you are on the waitlist, it is your responsibility to check your Lancer email (in LancerPoint under the “Home” tab) every day for an email indicating that the class has been activated in your LancerPoint account. After a student drops out of the enrolled class, the first student on the waiting list will receive an email. You'll be responsible for logging into LancerPoint to “Activate” the class within 48 hours. If you fail to activate the class within the 48 hours, the system will no longer email you for that class, and then the next person on the waitlist will be sent an email until one of them activates the class. You can only be on one waitlist CRN per class.
If you are still on the waiting list by the first day of class, you can attend the first day of class and ask your instructor to add you. Instructors will usually add from the waiting list based on seats available. If you aren't on the waiting list, your chances of getting added on the first day are lower.
You can find out your number on the waitlist by following these instructions on LancerPoint:
- Click on the “Classes & Academics” tab.
- Click on the “Check Registration Status” tab.
- Click on “Return to Menu”.
- Click on “Student Detail Schedule”.
Try registering for a different CRN that is open. You may also try to get on the waitlist (to look-up the waitlist policy, do a FAQ search for "waitlist" at the top of this page). Lastly, you may attend the first class meeting or contact the instructor. If there is space available in the class, the instructor may give you an add code to register in LancerPoint. Please keep in mind that instructors normally add students from the waitlist first before adding first day walk-ins.
First, you will need to register for the class using the original CRN number at which point LancerPoint will ask you for your add code.
Each CRN has its own add deadline. You can look this deadline up in the online schedule of classes by clicking on your CRN. The add code can only be used once, and it must be used before the last day to add for that specific CRN.
A prerequisite is a requirement that you must meet/complete before enrolling in a class.
For example, the prerequisite for the class Math 5A is Math 007B, Math 009, or placement based on the Math assessment process. To enroll in Math 5A, you need to first pass Math 7B, Math 009, or test into Math 5A through the Math placement test.
A corequisite is a class you must take together with the class you intend to take.
For example, the class AT 111 has a corequisite of AT 110, so to enroll in AT 111, you must also enroll in AT 110 in the same semester. If you don't enroll in AT 110, you won't be able to enroll in AT 111. You can choose any CRN of AT 110 and it doesn't need to be with the same instructor as in AT 111.
If you've already passed the prerequisite course at PCC, LancerPoint will automatically clear you for the next course sequence.
If you've met a prerequisite by taking a course at another college, you can get your prerequisite cleared in the Prerequisite Office. Learn more.
You will be responsible for the drop and add deadlines of your courses. Each CRN class has different deadlines that you can find in the online schedule of classes by clicking on your CRN.
For other important dates, view the academic calendar for semester deadlines.
Paying for Tuition & Fees
All fees are due at the time of registration. Classes may be automatically dropped from the student's schedule on the Friday before the first day of the term.
In addition, any outstanding fees will result in a hold being placed on your account that will prevent future registration (including changes to your class schedule during the current term), access to grades and other services.
You may pay online in LancerPoint or pay by cash or check at the Student Bank located above the Student Book Store in B203.
Need assistance with your tuition? Apply for Financial Aid. Questions about your Financial Aid? Contact the Financial Aid Office.
If you are an international student, check with the International Student Center for your payment policy.
We offer two parking options on campus:
- Daily parking permits are available at dispensers around all of the parking lots.
- Semester and intersession parking permits can be purchased online through LancerPoint. For more parking information, visit the Office of Police & Safety.
Yes, the Bookstore will list the instructor and the required text for each course. However, you may want to wait until after the first class meeting, when the instructor will confirm which books are required.
To look-up required textbooks for your classes, visit the online bookstore.
Yes. You may also be able to sell your used books back to the Bookstore at the end of the semester if they are in good condition.
Students are placed into English and Math using high school 11th grades. Your placement is usually automatically entered when you apply to PCC. If you do not receive your placements with your admission application, you may complete the self placement in the online orientation.
Log into LancerPoint > hamburger menu > Discover > find "View Placement Results" card > View Placement Results
Admissions and Records
To become a PCC student, follow these simple steps to apply, enroll and register.
To become a PCC student, follow these simple steps to apply, enroll and register.
View the Steps to Get Enrolled.
If you plan on only attending PCC for 1-2 terms, personal interest, graduate school prep, or an occupational skills certificate, go to One-Two Term Student Steps.
It's never too late to apply for financial assistance! To receive aid, complete the FAFSA and BOGG forms.
For more information on financial aid, contact PCC's Financial Aid office or call us at (626) 585-7401.
Great! We offer two types of enrollment for students currently in high school — Dual Enrollment (taking PCC classes at your high school for high school and college credit) and Concurrent Enrollment (taking PCC classes outside of your regular high school day).
Your LancerCard ID (Student ID Card) will be available once you have registered for a class. For more information, go to the LancerCard ID page.
Log into LancerPoint > hamburger menu > Discover > find "Update My Profile" card > View Placement ResultsUpdate Addresses & Phones
- Confirm if your mailing address is current. If you need to update your address, under the drop-down menu for "Type of Address to Insert", select "Mailing" and click on "Submit".
- Follow the prompts to update your mailing address.
You'll need to complete the Medical Consent form and email it to
Services Available at PCC
No. Unfortunately, PCC doesn't offer housing, but the Student Life Office (CC-105) and housing boards around campus post notices for roommates and rooms for rent in the local community.
PCC offers childcare that is available through the Child Development Center, located one block from campus at the corner of Green and Holliston Streets. Contact the center directly at (626)-585-3180 for more information.
GEs and Transfer
Our counselors are here to help you choose your classes with new student counseling if you are a first time college student. If you are a new student with credits from another college or a continuing student, meet with a counselor or connect with the Transfer Center for help in planning your academic classes.
Additionally, you can explore the Transfer Center's online resources to help you determine which PCC classes will transfer. View Resources
You may view or create your own degree and general education audit using LancerPlan.
Because there are too many universities in each state, we don't have transfer articulation for out-of-state colleges/universities. Your PCC credits are transferable everywhere because we are a regionally accredited college, but we do not have the lists of equivalences to out-of-state universities. We recommend that you contact your out-of-state universities and ask what their requirements are. If you receive a list, we can help you identify the “likely” equivalent classes at PCC.
Many UCs and CSUs don't accept second bachelor degree applicants. You can check with the university you are interested in. If they don't, you may consider a Master's or Doctorate degree program instead. Most graduate programs don't require a specific Bachelor degree, but they only ask for a bachelor degree, specific classes, and other materials/requirements.
If you attended middle school or high school in another country, you probably won't be able to take language classes in your native language. Meet with a counselor for more clarification.
Your foreign language requirements will vary depending on your academic goals. See below for your requirements:
Transfer to a UC:
You don't need to take a foreign language at PCC if you:
- Attended a non-English speaking high school for two or more years in your country OR
- Attended an English speaking high school but you took one foreign language for two years with grades C- or higher
If you fulfilled the above requirements, you'll need to submit your original high school records showing that you attended for two years to the Admissions office (L Building). If you attended a foreign high school, you will need to show a copy of your high school record.
Transfer to a CSU
CSUs don't have a language requirement, but you can still take a foreign language class to fulfill their general education requirements or you can choose to take other classes. Also, CSUs don't accept high school credit unless it is AP credit.
Earn a PCC Associate degree
There is no foreign language requirement to graduate.
You may not need to get your foreign credits evaluated. If you want to transfer to a university to get a BA/BS degree, the university will do the foreign credit evaluation. PCC can't evaluate foreign credits for the university since you will be graduating from the university and not PCC. The graduating university or college must decide. We recommend that you connect with institution you are interested in to determine if they will accept credits from your foreign institution. If yes, then you will need to avoid retaking those classes at PCC.
If you already have a foreign BA/BS degree, many public universities in California won't accept second degree applicants, so it's best to connect with the university before you proceed, or you may also consider applying for graduate school instead.
If you want to get an Associate degree from PCC, you will need to get your foreign credits evaluated first by an approved agency. After you have completed 12 units at PCC, you'll need to see a counselor to submit your foreign credits evaluation to PCC for a second evaluation towards our Associate degree general education.
Send an official transcript to the PCC Admissions office. After you've completed 12 units of coursework at PCC, you can request a transcript evaluation with a counselor.
AP credits are complicated so you should discuss with a counselor if you may use your AP credit. If you are planning to transfer, each university and major has different standards and policies regarding AP credit. If you file for AP credit at PCC and later learn that you need to take the class and want to remove the credit at PCC, we will not be able to remove the credits. Connect with a counselor for guidance on how to proceed.
If you want to use your AP credit to clear a prerequisite to enroll in a class, you can make your request through the Prerequisite Office.